Investing in the Future of Our Health
The prevalence of chronic diseases is accelerating due to an ageing population, creating an economic burden on the global healthcare system. This is exacerbated by a diminishing workforce that would otherwise be able to finance the costs and a healthcare supply mismatch, as exemplified by the pandemic. Traditional barriers to change are shifting and the […]
Investing in the Future of Financial Services
Although the fintech market has boomed in recent years, 77% of the world’s population remains underbanked and/or unbanked (source: BCG). The sector currently holds a 2% share of global financial services revenue, and is estimated to reach USD 1.5T by 2030 (source: BCG). There is still a lot of room to grow, particularly in emerging […]
Investing in a Liveable Planet
Increasing levels of human-made GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) will lead to more climate extremes and irreversible damaging effects that will drastically affect all of our livelihoods (Source: NASA). Climate change is happening now and the climate imperative is now more urgent than ever before. In order to curtail the effects, global temperature increase needs to […]